Protecting Your Son’s Arm When He’s Playing for Multiple Teams
We see it all the time. Kids make a commitment to one team and then all of a sudden they aren’t around for practices, but these same kids never seem to miss a game. Then we find out they’ve been missing practice to guest play for other teams. Besides the obvious commitment issue discussion that will need to take place with that family, there is another concern. Arm care.
A Delightful New Christmas Tradition!
A delightful, new Christmas tradition designed to spread kindness during the holiday season! Follow the 5 steps and become “Reindeer Cleared” for Christmas!
Recipe: Skillet Chicken & Rice
This easy weeknight meal cooks up in less than 30 min and is great in a thermos on the go
Crock Pot Balsamic Chicken
This meal is easy to prep and leftovers freeze well. It’s also a great “take along” meal when put in a thermos. Perfect for a healthy weeknight meal for parents/siblings at the field.
7 Life Skills Learned From Baseball
Sports in general teach our kids a lot. But baseball is unique. It’s a game of failure, statistically speaking. It’s both slow and fast. Calm and chaotic. “Boring” yet exciting. (Sidebar - I HATE when people call baseball boring…) The game really is a metaphor for life.
The Dream Team: Parents, Coaches and Kids Working Together
When parents and coaches team up to create good, respectful athletes, everybody wins. It’s a partnership. Take that seriously, work together, respect each other and, most importantly, respect the process.
Chicken Burrito Bowls
An easy, one-sheet pan dinner that is great for meal prepping and leftovers!
The right way to talk to the coach when you have concerns…
It happens. And if it hasn’t happened yet for you…it will. It’s almost a rite of passage as a baseball parent when you decide it’s necessary to intervene and have a conversation with the coach.
My Role as a Mom to My “Sons”
Never underestimate how important you might be in someone else’s life. I’m a firm believer that we meet each other for a reason, and I’m so happy these guys crossed my path. Truth is, they help me as much as I help them.
Batter Up…
My goal with this blog and my upcoming podcast is to create a community for us moms to gather, learn, share and grow, all in an effort to create more joy in the journey. Embrace the chaos and focus on what really matters - our kids!