In Times of Tragedy, Baseball Brings Us Together
Sometimes awful things happen to good people, and we will never understand why. But when strangers and communities rally around families during time of immense grief, it reminds us that we are all connected in one way or another.
Should I Stay or Should I Go…
Baseball life mimics real life. You may lose a job (get cut), you may move to a new town and need to make new friends (move to a new team), you’re 4th in line for that promotion at work (other kids play more often than you), the teacher doesn’t like you (the coach always puts his own son at short)…they’re all learning opportunities. Do you. Find the right fit for you. Baseball is supposed to be fun. Learn from it, enjoy the journey, and look for the organization that best matches your endgame.
7 Life Skills Learned From Baseball
Sports in general teach our kids a lot. But baseball is unique. It’s a game of failure, statistically speaking. It’s both slow and fast. Calm and chaotic. “Boring” yet exciting. (Sidebar - I HATE when people call baseball boring…) The game really is a metaphor for life.
The right way to talk to the coach when you have concerns…
It happens. And if it hasn’t happened yet for you…it will. It’s almost a rite of passage as a baseball parent when you decide it’s necessary to intervene and have a conversation with the coach.
My Role as a Mom to My “Sons”
Never underestimate how important you might be in someone else’s life. I’m a firm believer that we meet each other for a reason, and I’m so happy these guys crossed my path. Truth is, they help me as much as I help them.
Batter Up…
My goal with this blog and my upcoming podcast is to create a community for us moms to gather, learn, share and grow, all in an effort to create more joy in the journey. Embrace the chaos and focus on what really matters - our kids!