My Role as a Mom to My “Sons”
Coaches build relationships with their players all the time, sometimes long-term ones, lasting into adulthood. How and why that happens will be the topic of a future blog post because it’s a really wonderful thing for both the coach and the player.
But I consider myself extra lucky. Not only do I have the privilege of being a mom to my own son who is my partner in crime, a wonderful brother and friend, a great teammate, and all around good person, but in addition to that, I have the unexpected good fortune of being a “mom” to many of the players who have come through our organization. Some people foster puppies. I foster players. :)
When we formed our first Academy team in 2016, our players were 14-15 years old. We were lucky enough to be a family from day one. Sometimes teams just gel like that right off the bat and the chemistry with that particular group of kids is still there today, even though they’re all in college now, playing for different teams. Once a family, always a family.
I’ve been part of so many life experiences with these kids. Some good. Some not so good. That’s what family is. We’ve traveled all over the country together for tournaments - and if you’ve ever traveled with teenage boys you know it’s always an adventure… I’ve helped with college essays. I’ve celebrated their personal and athletic achievements and mourned with them in their grief. We’ve cooked Christmas Eve dinner together. We’ve had backyard parties with families. We even journeyed together through the cancer treatment of a teammate. They are big brothers to my own son, and are there for him always. My relationship with them has been, and continues to be, a huge blessing in my life.
As we added more teams to our program, more relationships formed. The extended family continues to grow and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s so much fun to watch the little ones and know that in a few years, some of them will be sitting in my office, telling me about the girl they want to ask to Prom, or asking me for help with a resume. I love every minute of it and I can’t wait.
Never underestimate how important you might be in someone else’s life. I’m a firm believer that we meet each other for a reason, and I’m so happy these guys crossed my path. Truth is, they help me as much as I help them.
Gotta run…just got a call from one of them asking if I can proofread an assignment. xo